Space Brothers episode 04: Close to You
‘An older brother should be next to his younger brother.’ Hello, just my fangirling this week, as Comrade Crusader is buried under more projects and midterms than you can shake a cell phone at. So… I...
View ArticleSpace Brothers episodes 05-06: Planes, Trains and Imbeciles
Of course he hasn’t. He just really likes shampooing his hair. Daww. Yikes, sorry for being all quiet on the blogging front lately. Let’s just say it’s been an exceptionally busy past couple of months...
View ArticleSpace Brothers episodes 07-08: ‘Luck is what you make of it’
Mutta is feeling lucky. These two episodes represent a turning point in Mutta’s story. Presenting us with the possibility that Mutta will not pass the second round of the JAXA astronaut selection...
View ArticleReflections on a 2nd Year of Fangirling…
Um, basically, it’s my second blog birthday today and I wanted to mark the occasion, share a few memories and thank yous, and then bugger off again for another few days or so, lol. Seriously though,...
View ArticleNatsuyuki Rendezvous episodes 01-03: Mai Dead Husbando Can’t Be This Cute…
…and by ‘Cute’, I mean ‘Annoying’. While the angsty, serial-plant-buying bishie and the slow start were negatives, once you get past the first ten minutes, this new josei show from the noitaminA...
View ArticleNatsuyuki Rendezvous episode 04: My Young Part-Timer Can’t Be This Horny
Rokka was clearly facepalming already. Well… Hazuki certainly doesn’t beat about the bush, does he?! And, thankfully, neither does this show. Four episodes in, and great to see such significant...
View ArticleNatsuyuki Rendezvous episodes 05-06: My Little Manager is Definitely This Cute
Too. Freaking. Cute. A little late (sorry folks, more bulk reviews of the remaining episodes to follow), but here goes… After epi 4’s body-swappy flavoured cliff-hanger ending, I thought epi 5 really...
View ArticleSukitte Ii na yo episodes 1-5: You don’t have to say you love me…
What a silly question. ’Tis the season to be sparkly! Or, in other words, it seems that Christmas came early this year for shoujo fans, with not one, not two, but three shoujo anime airing this season,...
View ArticleSukitte Ii na yo episodes 6-7: The look of love
A reluctant Mei persuades Yamato to accept a modelling job with another girl… Right. I admit it. This is now officially my ‘Guilty Pleasure’ anime of the season. Like my mother and her dodgy StarPlus...
View ArticleReflections on a 3rd Year of Fangirling…
Hello, loves! It’s been a while, but I couldn’t let my 3rd blog birthday pass without something to mark the occasion. Basically, the last twelve months have been mega busy on the personal and work...
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